Department do Media and Communication
Our Bachelor of Art in Media and Communication is an interdisciplinary degree program that prepares students for a wide variety of careers in media and communication areas such as newspapers, broadcasting, new media, advertising, public relations, entertainment business, art management, marketing, management, international relations, trade, etc.
Our program is grounded in the mix of theory and practice in media and communication and offers a variety of topic areas that reflect the diversity and scope of today’s media and communication field including verbal, non-verbal, interpersonal, visual, mass, and strategic communication and traditional and new emerging media.
Our program is grounded in the mix of theory and practice in media and communication and offers a variety of topic areas that reflect the diversity and scope of today’s media and communication field including verbal, non-verbal, interpersonal, visual, mass, and strategic communication and traditional and new emerging media.
Goal of Education
- Studying an interdisciplinary program of communication based on humanities and social sciences
- Offering a world class level of courses in convergent communication
- Meeting the needs of prospective consumers, society, and nation by maximizing effective education
- Leaping into a global leading department through globalized education

Talent of Department of Media and Communication
We are educating global leaders who will contribute to human coexistence and coprosperity based on multi-dimensional communication competence.
What is MDCC (Multi-Dimensional Communication Competence)?
- The capability of design and achieve independent life based on self-reflection
- Verbal and non-verbal communication skills and media literacy
- The capability to build and manage human relationship based on mutual trust
- Insights of intercultural consilience and multi-cultural communication
- Global leadership based on justice for human coexistence and prosperity